Thursday, November 29, 2012


Malaysia currently undergoes significant transformation of reservation of water sources by river cleaning, beautification before year 2020. It is put Listed under Greater KL project to increase high economic value.
Greater KL project include transformation of sewerage treatment line and facility, to enhance operation and services.
NOT many would believe that there is an impending water shortage in Malaysia, especially if they are Kuala Lumpur folks who are often caught in traffic jams caused by downpours. But if climate change alters the favorable rainfall pattern, we will have to come to terms with water rationing or other drastic water conservation measures. - according to THESTAR
Rivers have long been recognized as one of humanity’s most important natural resources. They are one of the most important of all the natural resources necessary to ensure human health and civilization. A close association between cities and water is inherent over the history of civilization and in fact, many urban cities in Malaysia are located close to river areas. The last two decades have shown Malaysia has shifted development strategy from an agricultural base to industrialization, and manufacturing industries have now become the main component of the economy for the country. This transformation since the 18th century has clearly shown that rapid urbanization, industrial and intensive agricultural activities, as well as wide-spread land development, have contributed to extensive changing of river functions for the economy, national development and the environment. In particular, river roles have become less significant for human life and river functions limited to transportation purposes only.

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